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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Canoodling at Bangsar Village

Have been eye-ing for this noodle house at Bangsar Village few months back. I'm attracted by the design of interior. So finally i'm here last Sunday. with 2 of my buddies for dream business talk :)

Wall decoration

Every table come with a mahjong table & crayon. It serve as a "table cloth" and also for people to do "vandalism" on it while waiting or brain storming.

(Above) Before and After... ;p

Wymen: "nothing fantastic"

CS: "duck salad"

Mine: "Pad Thai Pasta".. this is special! I will recommend this..


The facade

Next door is "for goodness sake".. interesting construction site in progress

Overall, food in Canoodling is not that fantastic, but is not expensive. All noodle cost at RM 9.90. Anyway, i love the place and the idea of crayon with mahjong paper!

Additional item:
Went to Marmalade at Bangsar Village. The food is not that fantastic and quite costly.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

is 2011

it has been long time i stop blogging since end of last year..
happy new year 2011 and happy rabbit year to all of you! :)

i lost my love before chinese new year, i'm unhappy because i thought, i really thought i found my right one, and i thought he is the best thing i found after i back to malaysia. it was a short but good relationship for me, unfortunately it end up without any clues.

everything is alright at my side now, it was a bonus to have a sweet relationship that last for 2 months after i come back here. everything will back to the start and i will work hard, sell more for my current company which i feel i'm lucky enough to have this offer back here.

to all friends who love me, i'm happy to have you all besides me when i'm in need.. i love you all too :)