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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

mini Diana F+ (失败)

在香港lomo embassy经过三思,徘徊了许久。。到底应该买经典的Diana F+ 或是新推出的mini Diana F+ ? 最后,体积较小,以及可以用普通36mm 胶卷的mini Diana F+ 胜出!




在kl的一位设计朋友委托我替他找一种名为‘new raglin paper’的纸,用来打印他们的名片。对于一位设计师来说,找适当的纸张,或是适当的材料来达成自己设计出来的效果,是每一个设计师都会经历的东西。

再加上我对纸张的分类也蛮有兴趣,中学时期,放学后每次都会去逛在芙蓉市区一件叫‘Heng Paper’ 那五花八门的纸店。‘年轻时的我’也曾想过要开一张专卖纸张的店,或是在纸店内打工呢!哈~

在替他寻找之前,我用google搜寻了关于这种纸的资料,结果并不理想。但是知道它是一种拿来制作贺卡之类的纸。除此之外,也从一个看来干得不错的新加坡设计公司 (silnt)获寻了他们曾经用这种纸印出一系列的日历。效果很好,尤其是emboss的那一部分。

昨晚,就光临了最有希望的bras basah complex (在新加坡所谓的‘书城’)。开始是到卖手工,卖art material的店下手,却没有人听过这种纸。过后,就到印刷店询问,也是一样的答案。
在放弃之前。。居然。。。在四楼一间陈旧的店面,找到了 她!这位店主- uncle patrick本身是制作结婚请帖的。而这件店在这里已经有20多年的历史。当他听说我要找这一类型卡片时,他立刻很热情的告诉了我很多他的历史,也告诉了我关于new raglin paper的好处。原来它的长处是纸质够厚身,非常适合做emboss,出来的效果也会很好
话说,还没开业前,年轻时的他是在某某设计公司内当平面设计师。他说,通常new raglin paper 是拿来印刷请帖的不二之选。而现在由于科技的发达,很多东西都代替了传统的请帖。就算有,也许只是少数的一,两百张而已。所以现在对这类纸的需求并不多。再加上它是要从germany空运过来,就造成它被归类在‘稀有品种’的类别里。

虽然,需要这纸张的设计师不是我,但是,我能感受到那种本想放弃,却找到后的满。足。感!:) 再加上遇到这种好谈,也不吝啬分享的长辈设计师是不容易的哦。


Monday, September 28, 2009

F1 Singapore Night Race

full of Ferrari merchandise

me standing on the road :)

Got a free pass from my coursemate for me to enter the 2nd year of F1 Singapore Night Race at town. Very amazing, as i can't imagine in this little country, how do they create such racing track? but they managed to! haha. of course, with some road closure and traffic jam, and create some trouble for us who work at CBD area.

6pm on 25th september, the first day of F1 walkabout (for racer to do training and take sequence), i started to hear the engine sound from my office building. I reached there at about 6.45pm by walking (very near huh).. and started to feel the "carnival-like" atmosphere, with alot of tents selling food/ beer/ F1 team merchandise etc....

this is my first time to watch F1 and i can feel the speeeeeed! very very fast!! :)

un-able to shoot a good photo using my compact digi camera, so, i better shoot some video instead. at least, can capture some :P

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


我,33歲,一個生活塞滿工作的女性上班族。也許經過多年的努力,工作有一點成就,可是我單身,孤單一個人。不止對象越來越難尋獲,可惡的是隨著年齡的增加,身價更是越來越下跌!!在一個人的夜裡,我不禁常想:「Shit!我該不會就這樣孤單終老吧!?我要變成一隻人生的敗犬了?」在台灣,年過三十三,對象難尋的單身貴族遍佈成河!!有著成千上萬這樣的「單身敗犬女」。大家也都知道,「共鳴」是戲劇打動人心的關鍵。可是,誰來引起「她們」的共鳴呢?! 這部戲,就是「她們」的故事,她們的共鳴。

共鸣?看来我对这部剧的共鸣,就是我还单身。。看见一些无双的所作所为时,还真的觉得似曾相似呢!还有,我对六年前因误会而抛弃无双,六年后却又回来,与她重遇,再度向她求婚的学长深感惋惜。学长- 國際知名攝影師,工作是到世界各地拍攝難度超高的紀錄片。簡單的說,他是紳士般的魅力熟男,溫文儒雅,細膩貼心從不傷人。除了条件好之外,又贴心,浪漫,为了另一半不惜一切,深爱另一半。。这样的男人,如果能让我遇上,我一定会紧抓不放,不会让他离开。但是,剧情确实是这样。无双选择了小她8年的卡斯,选择卡斯没有错,因为有‘feel’胜过一切再美好不过的条件。

Friday, September 18, 2009

my 32m2 apartment

my 32m2 apartment- is a book wrote by Gary Chang- an architect from Hong Kong. i get to know this book from yahoo news, and it interested me after reading the review. when i were in HK, i spend an hour at Kubrick bookstore to finish this book, wanted to buy it but i feel this is abit expensive, which cost sgd 43. i back to singapore with a little of regretful.... so, this time when Frank went to Hong Kong, i urged him to get this book for me, and here it goes.... :)

A brief intro about this brilliant architect on how he transformed his little apartment to a multi-tasks, multi-function house:

Architect Gary Chang has lived in the same 32 square metre apartment for over 30 years - since he was 14 years old. ‘My whole family – my parents, my three younger sisters, and me – used to live here. To make ends meet, my parents also rented out one of the rooms to an outsider, a woman in her late twenties. Then the room was rented to her younger brother. I vaguely recall our ‘room tenant’ stayed in our flat for around two years. Thereafter, the flat became home…for the six of us.’ Living in a tiny rented space with a large family was not uncommon in 1960s and 70s Hong Kong. Chang has not only developed a unique sensitivity towards small interior spaces and an interest in architectural design, but also finds endless fun, entertainment, and joie de vivre in his living environment. He now lives in and enjoys this 32m2 apartment by himself. The apartment has been gone through five different interior settings – in 1976, 1988, 1990, 1998 and 2007. More than a simple interior design story, this book illustrates the transformation of a living space and how people respond to different spatial settings.

Frank bought me this little 万花筒 as souvenir, design by an illustrator named Carrie Chau.

Everything look so beautiful and fanciful when you use that to view the world....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

RIN chair

昨晚出席了由space furniture所主办的一个workshop,是专程为来自日本的hiromichi konno san所主办的。这位年轻设计师,因为设计了这个名为‘RIN’的椅子而一炮而红。行内人相信不会对这个作品感到陌生吧。看来简单,却那么的有心思的作品。
其实之前并没有留意他,甚至在悉尼design show里与RIN擦身而过也没什么反应。。直到Frank替我订位出席这个workshop后,才被他深深吸引。见到这真正的作品,及他本人,自己也爱上了它。设计师是个非常低调,谦虚及寡言的一贯日本人。最后,我还与Frank像个小影迷般向他索取了签名与和照。

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


anyway,衷心的祝福winnie可以enjoy uk的新生活及新挑战!miss youuuu!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2009 Formula 1 race

I got this FREE F1 pass from my x-coursemate. In fact I'm not the top fans of F1 race, but since this is free, i should just go there and broaden my mind, listen to those engine sound, maybe look at those pretty & sexy race girls, etc etc....! (sound so proud, i know alot of ppl out there are craving for this~!! bleah~) Anyway, don't be over jealous, this is just a 'warm-up/practice' race on Friday (25 sep 2009) night, the actual one is on Saturday!